If you’re like us, you want it all when you travel. Beautiful and fun places that are relatively easy to get to, have all the comforts you need, and aren’t overwhelmed with crowds. It might seem like an impossible goal. But my husband Tony and I are continuously surprised by the experiences you can uncover when you wander just a little, but stay near the beaten path.

We are tightly-wound introverts on a perpetual mission to reduce our stress. When it comes to travel, this means good logistics, reasonable weather, flexible schedules, enough time to savor experiences, daily activity, and ample breathing room. Consequently, I’ll share details from our ventures that you won’t find on many other blogs or websites.

Though we decided to launch this blog on January 1, 2024, I’ve actually been online for almost 20 years. My very first post went up in 2004, on Go Dairy Free. That website is still going strong, and it even has a full dairy-free restaurant section to help with travel. But I needed another outlet for our nomadic lifestyle. So here it is. I hope you’ll find some tidbits that make your own trips that much better.